13/07/2022Hunt has gone through hell and this has left a mark or two – and how could it be any different? Because all of the trouble that he’s been though (should we even mention that he didn’t deserve any of it?), he looks like a grandpa, but he is actually only five years old.
Thanks to the effort of a British volunteer who has spent days by his side, he is alive today. Here you can see what he looked like when he was found:
Hunt has leishmaniosis and epilepsy, he is short-sighted and is afraid of being touched by strangers… Not a desirable description, especially for a dog who is urgently looking for a home… Hunt has been held hostage to a series of unfortunate events for quite some time and it is high time someone put an end to it. Nothing would make us happier than seeing Hunt’s photos, those showing him for who he is, when the dark clouds leave him alone.
Because we know that somewhere, just beneath the surface, a young boy Hunt is hiding – happy, carefree, and smiling. We just need to wake him up!