13/07/2022What would Rea tell us if she could speak?
Even though she has much to say, we believe she would stay silent, because silence is what she mostly got throughout her life. This is what the world gives abandoned dogs, doesn’t it?
We see them on the road and usually look the other way, don’t we? We wait for someone else to handle them. Sometimes we just throw a bit of leftover food to them. And that’s it. This is perhaps why food is the only thing Rea will react to. She will take it and the politely excuse herself.
In the 5 years of her life she has been disappointed so many times, no wonder she prefers to retreat. But we somehow feel it might be time for Rea to stop being silent, to forget about all her troubles next to someone whose heart is big enough for all of Rea’s 25 kilos.
Help Rea finally tell her story – this time with an obligatory happy end.