13/07/2022Jazo is a darling grandpa who has problems with his joints. He moves less and less and these high temperatures are especially difficult for him. But his appetite is still ferocious so he’ll take his pills, as long as they are wrapped in a slice of something yummy.
Just like all the other older and wiser dogs, he is extremely distrustful – until he gets to meet you! If he knows you well, he’ll immediately come for a cuddle. But all the rest of us strangers… We’re a no-go. If you’re looking for company for light strolls in parks and enjoy long silences and long conversations, Jazo is the best companion you’ll find on the planet.
He is only asking for a corner of someone’s home and at least a tiny piece of your heart – and that will be much more than what he has ever had in the 13 years that make up his life…