06/07/2022Loki also has the nickname Lokica. She was born in 2011, and she is an older lady with fine manners.
She would give just about anything for a few minutes of cuddling and is one of those cute ones who will wait for you, then lie on their back and wait for your hands to do their part of the job. And then she will gratefully poke you with her nose and place her head in your lap.
She is highly intuitive, she communicates a lot and likes to gaze in people’s eyes. We keep having the feeling that there’s something she’d like to tell us.
And we don’t dare ask her what that is…
Loki is ready to be your best friend, your advisor and your soul mate - all in one. We are convinced better days lie ahead for her - those days when she will be happily adopted…
If this lady bearing the name of the most mysterious deity in nordic mythology had put her spell on you, we will be happy to be the middlemen for both your and her happiness.